Monthly Archives: November 2014

What I’ve been up to recently

Since July I have been incredibly busy researching and ghosting a book on the Islamic State and – in complete contrast – working with Peter Doherty and his editor, Nina Antonia, on his new book ‘From Albion to Shagri-La’ which is published by Thin Man Press. I also wrote a load of OpEds on Middle Eastern politics and have a lovely new commission from the University of Edinburgh to translate three remarkable pieces about fashion – including a bafflingly surreal essay by Rene Crevel called ‘The Great Shop Window Dummy Seeks and Finds Her Skin’! I’ve been to Paris twice this Autumn and met some great new people there including the extremely talented 21 year-old poet/musician Thomas Baigneres whose poetry collection I will be translating at some point.

Thin Man Press is going well – we published Southwark Mysteries playwright John Constable’s first collection of poetry, ‘Spark in the Dark’, and a wonderful prose poem by A.A. Walker, ‘Licentia’.

In November we revived the music-spoken word performance piece based on my translation of Louis Aragon’s ‘A Wave of Dreams’ for the Black Sheds festival in Hastings; it was very well   received and Hastings Council Arts department have invited us back to host a ‘Stade Saturday’ event in July… watch this space.

Finally, the wonderful Tymon Dogg has finished, and had mastered, his new album ‘Made of Light’ which is brilliant. We’re looking for a suitable record lablel  so if you’ve got any ideas, let us know!